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International Symposium on Internalization of Higher Education: Ideas, Practices and Implications for Asia and the Pacific region successfully held in Hong Kong

Date: 2012-02-29       Visitcount: 3738

      Co-organized by UNESCO-APEID Associated Center, Zhejiang University and the Centre for Greater China Studies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, International Symposium on Internalization of Higher Education: Ideas, Practices and Implications for Asia and Pacific was held in Hong Kong on February 24th,2012. This symposium is one of the important components of academic cooperation between the College of Education, Zhejiang University and The Hong Kong Institute of Education and one crucial activity of the research program on Strategy and Policy for the Construction of World-class Universities sponsored by Zhejiang University “985 Project” as well. The participants from China, UK, Japan, Korea, Australia, Portugal, Finland and Hong Kong SAR of China presented on and discussed the theme of internationalization of higher education in Asia and the Pacific region with special reference to the “ideas and conceptualization”, “practices and strategies” and “regional and International cooperation”

      Professor Libing Wang, Director of UNESCO-APEID Associated Center, Zhejiang University and Professor Ka-Ho Mork, Director of Centre for Greater China Studies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education delivered warm remarks at the opening ceremony of the symposium. At the symposium, Dr. Gilsun Song and Professor Libing Wang gave presentations titled Reconsidering definitions of Internationalization of Higher Education Under the Context of Globalization and The Revision of Regional Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications in Asia and the Pacific: A New Impetus for Regional Cooperation respectively.

      Following the symposium, the Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) 2012 was held in The Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC), The University of Hong Kong on February 25th, 2012. At the special session on Internationalizing and Enterprising Higher Education in the Greater China Region: Challenges and Opportunities, Professor Xueping Wu and Dr. Yue Kan gave presentations titled Quality Assurance of Chinese – Australian Cooperative Programs and Promoting Entrepreneurship in Chinese Higher Education in the Globalized Setting: A Glocal Perspective respectively.


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