
Students in News

Visit by Professor Kenneth K. Wong of Brown University to our College

Date: 2012-03-29       Visitcount: 1720

    On March 26 and 27, 2012, Kenneth K. Wong, Professor and Chair of the Education Department at Brown University visited our college and made arrangements for further academic and educational cooperation.
    In the morning on March 26th, Xu Xiaozhou, Deputy Dean, and professor Wu Xueping had a meeting with Professor Wong. Assistant dean Song Gilsun briefly gave an introduction to our college discussing its general situation, disciplines, teaching and research, and international cooperation. Especially she explained a series of cooperation projects with UNESCO, entrepreneurship and innovation research, summer schools, and international exchange programs. Professor Wong also introduced the history and discipline specialty of the Education Department at Brown University. He pointed out the department has a very strong interdisciplinary, integrated educational history, strong human resources and public policies, and economics under a wide humanities background. His department has a strong education program in areas such as education leadership and policies, comparative education, public schools, and teachers’ quality. At the meeting both sides discussed possible cooperation on education policies, leadership, and innovative education.

    In the afternoon on March 26th, Professor Wong gave a lecture called “Standards and Practice in Holding Schools Accountable for Student Performance in the United States.” This lecture focused on the current public school education and its system. First, he explained the decentralized education system between state and federal government. Second, he discussed financial aid for children from low income family aid by the federal government to enhance mutual benefit functions of education monitoring and guidance between federal government and state governments. Third, through the “No Child Left Behind” and “The Annual Progress Report,” he emphasized the important role of federal government in advancing education equity. He explained that the decentralized education system still exists in US public school development, but the role of the federal government has increasingly strengthened.

    In the morning on the 27th, Professor Wong had a meeting with students and faculty members in the Institute of Education Leadership and Policies. The main communications focused on how to promote research academic output, strengthen improvement of the institution itself, and e-learning for Charter schools. Professor Wong suggested the key priority of discipline research includes finding common research interests, exploring distinguishing features of the discipline, and organizing research teams.

    During in the two-day visit to our college, our faculty members and students had a chance to further understand the Education Department at Brown University and both sides expanded mutual communication and cooperation

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