

Director of the UNESCO Dhaka Office Visits College of Education

Date: 2019-06-12       Visitcount: 176

Beatrice Kaldun, Director of the UNESCO Dhaka Office, visited the College of Education, Zhejiang University on the morning of May 20th. Prof. Kan Yue, the Deputy Dean of the College, and Associate Professor Mei Weihui, attended the meeting that focused on the graduate DMB International Organization Internship Program and cooperation in entrepreneurship education.  

Prof. Kan first extended a warm welcome to Ms. Beatrice Kaldun's visit, introduced our cooperation with UNESCO, the development of UNESCO's Entrepreneurship Education Chair, and cooperation with other UN agencies. He added that the college had already successfully launched several internship programs with international organizations, including UNESCO Bangkok and UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), and showed our strong will to strengthen collaboration with UNESCO Dhaka Office.

Director Beatrice Kaldun gave a brief introduction about UNESCO Dhaka Office in terms of its basic profile, department setting, priority areas and its role in enhancing Bangladesh's internationalization and achieving Bangladesh's SDG 4. She expressed her will to seek possibility of collaboration about entrepreneurship education with the College of Education.

Then, Prof. Kan and Director Beatrice Kaldun deeply discussed the arrangements for the implementation of the internship program in 2019, and conducted fruitful communication on the selection of interns, internship duration, internship positions and etc.


Edited by Xu Bingna

Photo by Ma Jun

May 20,2019

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